Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Stress and Finding A Balance

Everyone is affected by stress in one way or another. Managing stress, at times, can feel overwhelming. But, it is an issue of how we view and think about a trying situation, and then taking proactive actions.
You can peruse the Internet and find thousands of tips to combat stress, many of which are common sense actions such as, exercising, eating well and taking time for you … the list goes on. Have you ever thought about looking at the internal instead of the external?

Getting to know who you truly are is number one on my list of ways for combating stress. Be willing to take the time for introspection. I’m talking about real introspection, the type where you look at and acknowledge your faults, as well as your strengths. So what happens after you know all the pluses and minuses about you? You now have a healthy emotional arsenal to draw upon.
There is but one ride in this life … enjoy the journey!

©2010-2013 Journey To Self – All Rights Reserved 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Enjoying The Journey of Change

Ugh! Most of us don’t like change. After all it can be uncomfortable. But, if you've recognized that something in your life needs to change … you've already taken the first big step. And while it’s always important to be mindful of your feelings, it’s fairly easy to get caught up in the negative feelings versus embracing what will ultimately be a successful journey.

Thoughts to enjoy the journey:

1. Remember that you choose to make a change and trust in yourself.

2. When you begin to feel anxious or uncomfortable, embrace those feeling because they are part of the end result.

3. Take assessments often. If you take a step back and assess where you began in your journey, you can see how far that you’ve come toward change.

4. Give yourself a pat on the back. You took the steps to alter what wasn’t making you happy, don’t forget to reward yourself for your self-awareness and strength.

We can acknowledge that change isn’t easy, but it’s important to refocus your thoughts. With your new self-awareness, you can choose to shift your focus from negative and self-defeating thoughts to positive and fulfilling feelings.

There is but one ride in this life … enjoy the journey!

©2013 Journey To Self, All rights reserved. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

DLF Live to bring transcendental meditation to at-risk communities

The David Lynch Foundation announced June 4, the launch its new performance division, DLF Live. The launch will take place at the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival on June 15. DLF Live will connect the power of arts and creativity to bring transcendental meditation (TM) to at-risk communities.

The launch will be marked by a screening of, “Meditation, Creativity, Peace,” a documentary highlighting filmmaker David Lynch and his decades-long dedication to TM and the arts. The screening is sponsored by the David Lynch Foundation (DLF) and will be hosted by James McCartney, musician and son of legend Paul McCartney and Bob Roth, Executive Director of DLF.

DLF Live will produce concerts, film festivals, stand-up comedy shows, film competitions, conferences and art events to support the work of the David Lynch Foundation. All proceeds will go towards DLF's work to bring healing through TM to underserved communities. One of DLF Live’s goals will be to raise funds to teach TM to 1,000,000 at-risk youth around the world over the next five years.

Why introduce TM to at-risk youth? The benefits of meditation have been studied and found to be an effective tool by the Harvard School of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Department of Defense, the American Heart Association and the American Medical Association. Meditation. These studies have been proven to reduce acute and chronic stress and stress-related disorders, decrease anxiety and depression, help individuals overcome addictions and simultaneously develop the brain and creative potential of the individual for a healthy, productive and self-sufficient life.

DLF Live’s Board of Advisors includes music industry leaders Russell Simmons, Scooter Braun, Dan McCarroll and Craig Kallman. DLF has previously produced benefit concerts and events featuring Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Wynton Marsalis, Martin Scorsese, Ellen DeGeneres, Russell Brand and Dr. Mehmet Oz. For more information about DLF, please visit their website and for more information about the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival screening, please visit Bonnaroo Cinema