Friday, November 8, 2013

How To Get To Healing When Your Partner Cheats

Life can take us through the most trying times. After all, no one ever promised that life was going to be easy. But, it is the way in which we navigate through the difficult times that defines us.

The subject of healing came to the forefront of my mind, after having written an article, “Onlinerevenge for scorned women,” about a website called “”. It was a saddening situation to see so many women focusing upon the most negative aspects of their life trials. The site encourages a woman who’s been cheated on to “name and shame” the other woman. Where is the healing in that?

No one can take away from the pain that a person feels when a partner has lied and broken a sacred trust. But, posting information about such situations, in a fashion that encourages the injured party to continue to remain in an angry and painful place, is simply exploitive on the part of the site’s owners, and detrimental to the person who is hurting.

In the simplest and most basic terms, the path to healing one’s self begins with one’s self. After finding out that your partner has cheated, it isn’t about your partner or the “other woman,” it’s about you. You are the injured party and your feelings come first. I can’t tell you what’s going to make you feel better because there is no “one-size-fits-all” answer to healing. What I can tell you is that focusing on your partner or the “other woman” is pointless.

Again, it isn’t about them. Don’t waste your precious life energy wondering about the “other woman” because she is a non-factor in your healing process and is most assuredly a broken person. Why is she a broken person? Because she chose to cheapen her value by being with a person who was in a committed relationship. Don’t waste your precious life energy worrying about how to “win” your partner back because it was your partner who wronged you, therefore it is your partner’s responsibility to heal the relationship if and when you’re ready. Your path to healing from the betrayal is yours. Own it, embrace it, and you will come through to the other side a much stronger person.

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