Thursday, September 19, 2013

Getting Back To Center

In today’s society, it’s rather easy to get off track or to deviate from the center of ourselves. We get caught up in pure minutia and find that we’re swirling without true direction. So, how can we find our way to center?

Backtracking for a moment, and taking an exploratory look at how we got off center, we find that this didn’t just happen. We didn’t wake up one day and find ourselves overwhelmed. Falling to the right or left of center happened in a series of events and through our own lack of diligently paying attention to what’s truly important in our own private world.

For example, this writer expresses on a myriad of topics and can easily find herself completely off track by simply getting caught up in projects, deadlines and the never-ending cycle of finding avenues to get information out to readers. When this reaches a point of fatigue, it’s then that the ultimate realization hits that no one is going to die if they haven’t read the latest “how-to” about beauty and dating or top news for sports, women’s issues, and pop culture. This writer is but one in a sea of thousands. Returning to center requires a level of humility.

You need to humble yourself and accept that what you do, no matter how important it may seem, most likely isn’t life or death and that you have permission to take time for introspection. Introspection is needed to find your way back to center. Take the time to quiet your mind and find the valuable in your own private world. Is it your partner, children, family, or friends? When you are able to answer this question, you can move forward and reach out to the valuable and begin to find your way back to center.

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