Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Choosing Happiness: The Achievable Possibility

Many people believe that they can only feel happiness when everything is going well in their lives. We tend to need a reason or situation to be happy. But, what if we changed our thought process about happiness and made a conscientious choice to be happy? Feeling joy and happiness can be achieved by making a choice to do so.

Put things into perspective. Most people do not live the ideal life and life brings us challenges on a daily basis. Have you stopped to think about how bad it really is? I’m talking about a true assessment of your life situation. Are you homeless, terminally ill, has your family disowned you? Get the picture? For the record I had a terminally ill sibling, who smile everyday for the time that they had left. That is not to say that everyone could or should be able to smile in the face of extremely difficult situations, nor is to judge the level of difficulty of another human being. However, it is to make a point about self-awareness and our personal choices.

Acknowledging that no one can gauge another person’s tolerance for life’s stress and that less extreme situations can legitimately feel as bad as any. Another thought is to remember that when things feel as if you’ve hit rock bottom, then there’s only up right? Better days will come and this is something to look forward to and smile about.

If you aren’t able to acknowledge that better days are one their way, are you able to be thankful for whatever is positive in your life? Stop and think about all the conveniences that you take for granted and be thankful for them. Conveniences such as a roof over your head, food, clean water, and a warm bed. These things are actually more then conveniences, they are luxuries to many. If you can feel grateful for what you have, let that gratitude turn into happiness.

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, I’m Possible!” ~Audrey Hepburn

©2013 Journey To Self, All rights reserved.

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